
Support the Asian Economic Forum

We have been self-funded too date.

As we now plan for our next stage of growth, we are actively looking for both individual and institutional support.

As we look to the future, we see an opportunity to engage positively to the world we live and work in but also contribute back.

Here are a few way you can help support our journey.


Individual Support

We welcome your One-Time or Recurring gift of Support for any amount or suggested amounts of $100, $500 or $1,000.

These funds will go towards funding all of our current work to include Policy discussion & research focused on Afghanistan, Burma (Myanmar) and the Briefing Papers initiative.

Institutional Support

If you represent a charity, foundation, for profit or non-profit organization, government organization, multilateral and would like to support any of our current initiatives or future policy focused research centers, we welcome the conversation.

Please do contact us at for further engagement.

Giving & Recognition Options

For larger gifts we recognize the importance of helping facilitate Giving and Recognition options.

We seek you support for Naming opportunities as we plan to build our Non-Resident Fellowship and our Public Policy Scholarship initiatives.

The objective of the Non-Resident Fellowship initiative is to highlight valuable data, insights and perspectives to policy makers globally. We aspire to collaborate with domain experts and practitioners and bring them as Non-Resident Fellows to the Asian Economic Forum.

The objective of the Public Policy Scholarship initiative is to encourage graduate students and future leaders to incorporate the cutting edge economic tools and academic resources of public policy into their skill sets for the benefit of sustainable economic development and advancement of their societies and underlying economies.

Please do contact us at for further engagement.

We thank you for your consideration and look forward to your thoughts, your engagement and our shared success.


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